
My life has seen some pretty big changes in the last 12 months-new ministry, new  city, new home, new friends…and a constant barrage of new experiences! Normally, I’m a pretty good friend of change, but I can appreciate why it’s hard for a lot of people…especially when the change is not desired, expected, or of our own choosing.

The changes of 2016 have been very positive for Becky and me. But there have been times in my life when change was definitely not positive. In the past, I’ve experienced changes that were accompanied with powerful feelings of loss; a loss of my calling, influence, livelihood, fulfillment, friends…and personal identity.  Change isn’t always happy. Sometimes, it’s downright hard.

For some of us, the very thought of change is tinged with deep feelings of anxiety. We’d rather settle for the malaise of what we know, than plunge into the utter uncertainty of what we don’t. When change is forced on us by circumstances beyond our control, we look for someone to blame. We wonder if we’ve missed God’s will. We might even begin to secretly question God’s wisdom, providence, or goodness.

In my life, I’ve found that the uncertainties of transition are actually very beneficial.  Change reminds us that God alone is our security. Change produces Christlikeness. Change calls us back to our core identity in Christ and weans us off of the fragile and earthly things that we use to prop up our sense of worth and identity.

So here’s a few helpful thoughts when faced with imminent change:

  1. Keep a journal. Write down your prayers. Reflect on your learnings
  2. Cling to the promise of Genesis 1:2 (when formless and void, and darkness covers the face of the deep, The Spirit is hovering over the waters…When all is ready, God will say, “Let there be light.”)
  3. Realize that you are not alone. The path of the pilgrim has been well trod. It’s the norm for every follower of Jesus
  4. Remember that God’s greatest desire is your Christlikeness, not your productivity. He is more concerned with what you are becoming, than with what you are accomplishing
  5. Get back to the basics. Serve whoever God puts in front of you. Be the voice and hands of Jesus wherever you are…and your life will feel purposeful, even in the midst of significant change.

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