I’m not much for ‘new-year resolutions’ …though I did take out a gym membership and have started eating fish for dinner. My trainer tells me I need to lose 12 pounds. Ok…that’s a good resolution. (It’s SMART: specific, motivational, achievable, realistic, and trackable)
Every year on New-Years Day, I meditate on Colossians 3:14-17. In these verses, the apostle lays out some of the most awesome new-year’s resolutions ever!
- Clothe yourself with love
- Let the peace of Christ rule in your heart
- Let the message of Christ dwell in you richly
- Do everything in the name of Jesus
- Give thanks! (a lot)
Get these down…turn them into SMART goals…and everything changes! You’ll become a much better person…and the world will become a much better place.
(Ok…I’m still going for the 12-pound resolution)